Visit with Santa
Event Date:
November 25, 2023
Event Time:
10:30 am
Event Location:
Caan Floral & Greenhouses
Hey kids, come and visit with Santa!
Bring your Christmas wish list and tell him what you would like to have for Christmas this year!
Event FAQs
Do we need to sign up to visit Santa?
No, you don't have to sign up and there is no charge. There is an organized line that leads to Santa.
Where will Santa be located?
Santa will be in our Christmas show room and we will have signs guiding you to him.
How long is Santa seeing children?
Santa will be visiting Caan Floral from 10:30am to 12pm on November 25 and December 2, 2023.
Can we take pictures?
Yes, you are free to take pictures of your children and/or family with Santa at no charge.